To see if your internet service is down, try loading a web page on your computer, streaming music from a smart device, or performing an activity that typically requires an internet connection.
If you can access the internet via your WiFi network on all your devices except for your Smart Box, click here for additional troubleshooting steps.
If you can’t access the internet on any of your devices, your internet connection may be down. Here are troubleshooting steps that may help resolve the issue.
Check both your WiFi router and modem:
- WiFi router - make sure the router is plugged in, connected to your modem (if it is a separate device), and all indicator lights show that the router is operating correctly.
- Modem - Ensure that the modem is plugged in and connected to the line that transmits internet connectivity (coax or ethernet cable, etc.) into your home.
If both the WiFi router and modem are connected properly, then try rebooting both devices:
- Shut down any devices connected to your network
- Unplug both the WiFi router and modem from the wall
- Wait 30 seconds
- Plug the modem back into the outlet first, then do the same with the WiFi router
- Wait for the modem and router to finish rebooting (you should be able to tell by the indicator lights on the front of the devices) before reconnecting your Smart Box to the WiFi network
If you continue to have trouble with your internet connection, contact your internet service provider for further assistance.
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