There are a few reasons why your Smart Box might not be able to connect to WiFi:
The HomeValet app needs to be restarted
If the WiFi scan process in the mobile app stalls when you are adding a box to your account or changing WiFi networks, your app may need to be restarted. Close the HomeValet app and relaunch it before trying again.
The credentials for your WiFi network have changed, or you have set up a new WiFi network
If you have changed your WiFi login credentials or have installed a new network since setting up your Smart Box, you will need to update the WiFi network settings for the Smart Box:
- Holding your mobile device, position yourself near your Smart Box
- Launch the HomeValet mobile app
- Expand the menu on the Home Screen
- Tap 'My Profile'
- Tap the name of your Smart Box in the 'My Boxes' list
- Scroll down and tap the 'WiFi' option
- Follow the on-screen instructions to connect to your desired network
Your WiFi network or internet service is down
If your WiFi network or internet service is down, your Smart Box will not be able to connect to the HomeValet platform.
You can find steps to troubleshoot WiFi and internet network connection issues here.
The Smart Box is out of WiFI signal range
If your Smart Box doesn't connect to WiFi, the box may be out of signal range.
We recommend testing your WiFi network's signal strength at the location of your Smart Box (or WiFi extender) to ensure that it is sufficient for Smart Box usage.
You can find more information on testing your WiFi network's signal strength here.
If you discover that the signal strength is weak, try moving the Smart Box to a different location with a stronger signal, or use a WiFi extender/booster to increase the range.
Place your extender halfway between the WiFi router and the Smart Box for best results.
Your Smart Box requires a soft reset
Occasionally, your Smart Box may require a soft reset to regain its WiFi connection. You can find instructions on how to complete a soft reset here.
Still need help? Contact Customer Support for additional assistance.
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