If you're having trouble adding a Smart Box to your account or getting your Smart Box to communicate with your mobile device, here are a few reasons why it might be happening:
Bluetooth is not enabled on your phone
Bluetooth functionality is required to connect with a HomeValet Smart Box.
For instructions on how to activate Bluetooth on your phone, click here.
Your phone is too far away from your Smart Box
For best results, we recommend being within 6 feet of your Smart Box, with no walls or obstructions between your phone and the unit.
The HomeValet mobile app has not been given Bluetooth and/or location permissions on your phone
Both the Android and iOS operating systems require apps to request permission to communicate with a Bluetooth device, such as your Smart Box.
The HomeValet app will prompt you to give the required permissions during the Smart Box setup process, but the setup will fail if you decline the permissions.
For information on how to give the HomeValet app the required permissions, click here.
There is another mobile device attempting to connect to your Smart Box
Your Smart Box can only interact with one device at a time.
If both devices are in Bluetooth range of your Smart Box with the HomeValet app running, the Smart Box will choose one device to communicate with, and the other device will not be able to connect.
To resolve this issue, close the HomeValet app on both devices, and try again with the device you want to use.
The HomeValet app needs to be restarted
If the WiFi scan process in the mobile app stalls (5+ minutes) when you are adding a box to your account or changing WiFi networks, your app may need to be restarted. Close the HomeValet app and relaunch it before trying again.
There is no WiFi access, or the signal is weak
Your Smart Box requires a strong WiFi signal. Click here for information on how to troubleshoot your WiFi connection.
Your Smart Box requires a soft reset
Occasionally, your Smart Box may require a soft reset to complete the setup process. You can find instructions on how to perform a soft reset here.
Your Smart Box is registered to a different user
If your Smart Box is currently registered to a different user, they will need to share the box with you.
Once the owner of the Smart Box has provided you with a share code, follow the instructions listed here to join a shared box.
There is no Smart Box within range
Setting up a box requires both a Bluetooth and WiFi connection, and your Smart Box must be physically present when you attempt to 'Add a Box' to your account.
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