Your Smart Box has two temperature modes. Each mode caters to the different types of items that you might have arriving in a delivery:
- Energy Saving - Best for dry goods and packages. It's also the mode your Smart Box should be in when you aren't expecting any deliveries.
- Cooling - Best for deliveries consisting of refrigerated items, frozen items, or a mixture of items with different temperature needs.
Setting the Temperature Mode
In most cases, the HomeValet platform will automatically set the Smart Box's temperature mode in anticipation of upcoming deliveries.
However, for orders not entered into the HomeValet app, you need to change the temperature mode manually. Follow these steps to change the temperature mode:
Open the HomeValet mobile app
Tap the Smart Box to open the 'Temperature Control' page. You will see the temperature zone options available for your current divider configuration on this screen.
Select the option that best meets your order's needs and hit 'Save' to set the temperature mode.
If you don't see an arrangement that works for your order, you can change the divider configuration of your Smart Box to view additional options.
Once you have saved your choice, you will see the new mode indicated on the Home Screen.
Note: For deliveries with perishable and frozen items, it's important to allow time for your Smart Box to cool before receiving the delivery.
Smart Box Divider Configurations and Temperature Zones
Your Smart Box comes with two dividers to create different temperature zones within the box.
Divider placement determines what temperature zone configurations are possible, so the app will only ever show you temperature zone options that match your Smart Box's current divider setup.
Click here to learn more about your Smart Box's dividers; click here to learn about Smart Box Zones.
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